Sunday, May 15, 2011

Random pictures...

Just a few pictures of my babies in the wild...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Magnum AK-74 update

Finally i found a torx kit that solve my problems to disassable my broken knife... $30 argentinian pesos (less that 10 us dollars)...

The main promblem was the "action" button... it was a little bit twisted.. not a big deal... i fix that with 2 MT...

I will be uploading a few pictures when i get home... as well a youtube video...

Nos vemos

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Friday, March 18, 2011

My little Victorinox family

Just a nice family picture:

From left to right (top to bottom):

1.- SwissCard lite (12 uses)

2.- Belt pouch (waterproof synthetic fabric, hook-and-loop fastener, with flash light space)

3.- Belt-hanger (w/ keys and one of the small saks)

4.- Classic (7 uses)

5.- Manager (10 uses)

6.- Pionner (8 uses)

7.- Pocket Tool, EcoLine (14 uses)

8.- SwissChamp (33 uses)

9.- Official Swiss soldiers knife (10 uses)

Hope you like it!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just a scare...

Ok...was my fault.. was an accident, but with a huge amount of luck...

Last night i was playing with my dog on the balcony (i live in the middle of the city in a 7 floor)... My dog jump at me, hitting my neck knife ( actually is a folder knife hanging on a piece of plastic that is secured to my neck w/ paracord). The knife flew away of the balcony, falling 32 m. (Aprox) to the middle of the street.. LUCKILY.. it doesn't hit anything or anyone.... and luckly i found my knife... now i will have to fix it, the tip it's broken, it has a few scratches and it's automatic deploy system doesn't work anymore...

Here some pics...

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New large First Aid Kit pouch

Just a few pictures of my new FAK pouch... more info in future posts..

Brand and model: Nikko NK-3263

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm back.. or at least i think so... hahah

Well... it's been a long time right.. i know i know... i said than i will try to make more posts... a lot of things happen latetly. I take a sort vacations, i start a new job, etc.. all thoose kind of things than makes you left all hobbies or distractions away.. haha

I'm not 100% back.. but i've a few videos for my yt channel, and some post ideas...

Glad to be back...

Nos vemos
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5